In 1999 the Friends of Medieval Dublin held the first Medieval Dublin symposium at the Wood Quay Venue of Dublin City Council and was generously funded by the Department of Medieval History at Trinity College Dublin. Discoveries from numerous archaeological excavations which were expanding as a result of urban rejuvenation made it difficult for even the most attentive scholar to keep track of what sites have been excavated, by whom and with what results.
The purpose of the Medieval Dublin symposium is to provide a mechanism through which teachers, students, specialists, amateurs, historians, archaeologists, and everyone whose talents and interests are required to make complete the business of excavation and post excavation, can collaborate and provide us, and the Dubliners of the future with a clearer picture of the early growth of this remarkable city.
After 1999 the annual symposium has been held at Trinity College Dublin and crowds of between 100 and 600 interested members of the public have attended every year.
The Friends of Medieval Dublin are grateful for the enthusiasm with which the symposia have been greeted.
For a complete list of the speakers & presentations, you can download a searchable PDF for symposia iii-xvii here.